Entwives Chapter 2: The Ruin

By Zimrahil Tendrils of ivy trailed off above the tower’s base, unable to climb higher on the sleek ancient stonework. Beneath was a verdant explosion of growth—delicate moss, scarlet-capped mushrooms, laughing wildflowers and tiny saplings just beginning to learn the song of the forest. Quickbeam felt their high-pitched humming, reaching out to reassure the young … Continue reading Entwives Chapter 2: The Ruin

Entwives Chapter 1: The Old Forest

Tolkien Friendship Society

By Zimrahil Glistening mounds of strawberries were carefully tucked into a sturdy basket, swinging from Faramir’s arm. The clotted cream had been devoured straightaway, and besides, the fruit was ripe enough to be delicious on its own. One should never waste clotted cream. In the distance, his friends laughed, tossing bits of moss at each … Continue reading Entwives Chapter 1: The Old Forest

Anglo-Saxon Influence on the Poetry of Rohan

Rohan Poetry

By Zimrahil Whether a fan of Lord of the Rings from the books or the films, it is difficult to forget the first time hearing “Where now the horse and the rider?” There is a ringing majesty to the poem; it is haunting and solemn to the ear. While the style can be found in … Continue reading Anglo-Saxon Influence on the Poetry of Rohan